
Showing posts from August, 2010

Ubuntu: Minimized windows vanishing ?

Recently a friend of mine started complaining that he doesn't see icons for the minimized windows on the desktop bottom panel. Any application opened from the menu will work ok, but will simply vanish when he clicks the minimize button. Upon investigation I realized it could be because the windows list applet is not visible in the gnome panel. There are 2 methods to try to fix this. First try method 1 and if that is not solving the problem then try method 2. 1 Method 1 Check bottom panel for a small vertical bar with three black stripes on it - something as shown in the screenshot below (circled in red). Look really really hard. If you still don't find it anywhere on the panel then go to Method 2. If you find it, right click on it and select "Move". Then move the mouse to expand the window list all the way to the left of the panel. Left-click again to finish resizing. If the "Move" button is disabled (greyed out) and there is tick next to "L...

Ubuntu Stackexchange in public beta

With rise in popularity of ubuntu as the distro of choice for mainstream desktop users (at least until 10.04 version) the number of people looking for help has also increased. The people behind (a popular Q&A site for professional and enthusiast programmers) recently launched - a website focussed on ubuntu Q&A. This site is very user-friendly - posting and answering questions is very easy and the summary views and powerful search capabilities enables newcomers to find existing answers easily. There is also a "karma" system - like in that is, IMO, a very neat way to setup a hierarchy based on merit and initiative which naturally helps those users with the right intention to gain control and moderate site functions. The site is currently on beta. Based on participation and feedback from the beta the final is expected to be launched sometime next month (max beta time is 90d). Overall a great concept applied...