xkcd is IMO the funniest geek comic strip ever... and courtesy of Tech Drive-in here are some real gems. Just 10 of them per link so won't take long to scan :-).
First there was your email on the web, then your docs & spreadsheets and with Web 2.0 marching ahead, the entire desktop is on the web. These ethereal environments promise to keep your entire context (files, shortcuts, desktop configuration et al) consistent and accessible from any computer anywhere in the web - a tall call indeed. Though most of them are at alpha / beta stages these are quite usable and provide features to fall in love with. The long list of Web desktop environments (Web-tops as they are called) includes some free-to-use, some subscription-based services. Some of these are even open-source - which is good news because that allows even organizations concerned with security to deploy intranet-only versions of this backed up by their own storage and run their own custom (licensed) apps... one can't exaggerate the convenience *that* provides. You could be anywhere with a laptop / PC with hardly any storage or server backup but enough connectivity and do all your w...
[This post has been due for some time... and here it comes] I now know how Gandhi must have felt on the 15th of August, 1947! I now know how being free feels! I just had an experience with Ubuntu that was quite moving! I got this Dell laptop, which I carried with me to my parent's place at Chennai, INDIA, which has wireless home network. I booted it up with the Ubuntu fawn live CD and it came up nicely with a gNOME desktop and all. What really impressed me was that it detected the wireless network around and asked me the WEP key for it. I typed in the key and zip! I was connected to the internet! I am browsing and I created this blog+ post while on ubuntu on live CD! The performance is amazing, I have found an app for everything I needed so far... and I haven't even had to install it on my hard drive yet! Best part is that I was even able to find a tutorial for my reliance Netconnect (PCMCIA card for internet over CDMA) and got it running in under 10 mins! Now I can roam any...
Until June 26,2007, friday evenings invariably included watching a freshly downloaded episode of death-note ( Official website ). The best subs were most often by kuro-hana , but they stopped after being served a C&D from the copyright owners. I haven't really found a replacement for death note for my weekly dose of intrigue... any suggestions ? please feel free to leave them in comments.
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